Career with Cave Lighting

Job advertisement for a specialist in the field of cave lighting (m/f)
The German company Cave Lighting CL GmbH & Co KG is looking for new employees (m/f) to strengthen their team. Cave Lighting is active in the field of design, planning, documentation and installation of underground LED lighting systems.
The projects take place in natural underground objects (e.g. caves) as well as in artificial objects (e.g. mines, tunnels, excavations, religious sites, etc.). The company is globally oriented, therefore the projects can take place in Germany as well as internationally.
Your main tasks:
- Lighting system installation
- Technical support for customers
- Service, inspection and repair work
- Planning of electrical installations
- Creating documentation
- Testing of electrical components and systems
- Logging and documentation of the processes during installation
We offer you:
- Appropriate compensation
- Work in an international team
- Responsible and interesting work
- International travel
- Varied work on different projects
Your professional profile:
- Preferred speleological background
- Reliable and responsible work ethic
- Willingness to work underground
- Flexibility
- Willingness to travel (internationally)
- Good English skills
Valuable professional qualifications:
- Apprenticeship as electrician / electronics technician (m/f)
- AutoCAD knowledge
- Experience in DiaLux
If you are interested, please send us your complete application documents (by e-mail or mail).
Responsible contact person: Alexander Chrapko.
Cave Lighting CL GmbH & Co. KG
Hohe Strasse 700 Geb. 7
35745 Herborn
Phone: +49 (0) 27 72 / 57 52 18
FAX: +49 (0) 27 72 / 57 52 20
Mobil: +49 (0) 171 / 722 82 01
Email: ac@cavelighting.de
Email: ac@germtec.de

Company Cave Lighting CL GmbH & Co KG is looking for an electrician (m/f) to strengthen our team.
Company Cave Lighting CL GmbH & Co KG is looking for an electrician (m/f) to strengthen our team (m/w).
Cave Lighting deals with design, planning, documentation and installation of mainly underground LED lighting systems. The projects are carried out both in the natural underground show objects (show caves), and in the artificially constructed places (show mines, tunnels, excavations, religious sites, etc.). The company Cave Lighting has a worldwide orientation, therefore it deals with national and international projects.
Your tasks will include:
- Technical support of customers
- Carrying out maintenance/inspection/repair work
- Planning of electrical systems
- Creation of documentation
- Carrying out installations of the lighting systems
- Electrical testing of components and equipment
- Logging and documentation of activities during installation
We offer you:
- Demanding remuneration
- Work in an international team
- A responsible and interesting job
- International travel
- Work on the worldwide projects
If you are interested, please send us your complete application documents (by e-mail or mail).
Responsible contact person: Alexander Chrapko.
Cave Lighting CL GmbH & Co. KG
Hohe Strasse 700 Geb. 7
35745 Herborn
Phone: +49 (0) 27 72 / 57 52 18
FAX: +49 (0) 27 72 / 57 52 20
Mobil: +49 (0) 171 / 722 82 01
Email: ac@cavelighting.de
Email: ac@germtec.de