Meet Cave Lighting
Friends and managers of show caves take note, it's time for Meet Cave Lighting! But what exactly does that mean? This year we are present at 4 big events around show caves and you have the opportunity to connect with us there.
Meet Cave Lighting

Friends and managers of show caves take note, it’s time for Meet Cave Lighting! But what exactly does that mean? This year we are present at 4 big events around show caves and you have the opportunity to connect with us there.
The four events are the following:

The UIS World Congress, from 24.07. – 31.07.22 in Le Bourget-du-Lac, France – here you will find us at booth number 34.

The ANECAT Annual Congress, on 10/13-22 in La Balme-les-Grottes, in the cave of the same name.

The ACTE Annual Congress Cuevatour: 19.10.2022 – 23.10.2022. Where: ESPACIO ESCÉNICO DE PULPÍ, 04640 Pulpí, Almería, Spain.
If you want to arrange a meeting, just contact us at:
Alexander Chrapko: ac@cavelighting.de or mobile at +49 171 7228201
Michel Renda: mr@cavelighting.de or mobile at +33 608 23 68 58
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Your Cave Lighting Team